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Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology

Congratulations to Nourish Ingredients’ Anna El Tachy

Nourish Ingredients Chief Technical Officer Dr. Anna El Tahchy has been recognised by both the Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering (ATSE) and the Vegan Women’s Summit x Impossible Foods “Women Building the Future” campaign for her achievements in cellular agriculture.

Dr. El Tahchy holds a PhD in Biochemistry and has extensive experience in lipid engineering and food chemistry. Anna previously spent over a decade working at CSIRO, and now heads up the science team at Nourish Ingredients as well as their R&D efforts. Profiled in previous CEAT newsletters, readers may be familiar with Nourish, who create animal-free fats and oils that make plant-based alternative proteins taste just as good as the original, but animal-free. Harnessing the power of fermentation, Nourish can tailor the flavour and mouthfeel of their fats to precisely reproduce the taste and texture of pork, beef, chicken, fish, milk, cheese and beyond.

Anna’s ATSE’s ICM Agrifood Award was recognition “for leading efforts to revolutionise the flavour and sustainability of plant-based food”. She was also selected as one of ten Science and Technology honorees for the Vegan Women Summit x Impossible Women Building the Future leadership initiative, further acknowledging her achievements in the cell ag industry.

Anna, as well as Nourish’s Synthetic Biologist Ruth Purcell was also profiled over the weekend by ABC Radio Canberra’s Adrienne Francis, who was taken on a tour of the Nourish labs by Ruth and Anna as part of her Saturday Kitchen segment.

Take a listen for a “behind the scenes” view on how Nourish’s animal-free fats are made, and how their team of Canberra scientists are pioneering new ways to transform the taste and sustainability of the plant based industry.

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